Effectively manage incoming change requests

Changes always occur in projects. Sometimes these are small and just need a minor tweak, and other times they are major and require you to create a new project plan.

Projectal contains extensive features to help you manage change orders as they occur. You have flexibility to make any type of change, see the effects on time and costs, and have a full audit trail for all the changes made from start to finish.

Change requests

Change requests

Adjusting a project

for major changes

When a major change occurs in your project, you will need to re-plan it to accommodate the change requests. This simply means using Projectal's planning features again to scope out the changes. You may want to use generic staff in your adjusted plan to determine budgets and staff required for the changes. Once approved, you can assign real staff to the new or adjusted tasks.


Experiment with

what-if scenarios

You may want to try various factors such as different numbers of staff, different expertise levels or extra working hours to see the effect on the time and costs for the adjusted project plan. The results are shown in real-time on budget vs. actual charts and task sheets.


Keep a full history of

all your changes

Projectal's time machine features always record the changes in a project so that you can see what was done yesterday, last week, last month or last year. This is very useful when you want to compare a project before and after major changes occur. Using data views, you can also create dynamic reports that show data across a time series.

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