Take the guesswork out of bidding

Projectal has all the tools you need to create accurate bids for your upcoming projects.

No longer is bidding based on educated guesses or custom spreadsheets that always seem to be out of date. Projectal was built from the ground up with extensive bidding features that are designed to win your next project.


Bidding on projects is key

to your company’s success

If you bid on projects, then you already understand the challenge of estimating the time and cost of a project. Before deciding to undertake new projects, you must first determine whether they make sense for your business to take on the project.

Bidding accurately on upcoming projects leads to better outcomes for your business:

Sustained profitability on projects
Reduced chance of project blowouts
Keeps your team allocated at all times
Lets you plan ahead including hiring staff, freelancers and equipment
Removes individual bias and guesswork when bidding
Makes for informed decision making — i.e. "Should we take this project on or not?"

Easily import client

requirement documents

No more copy and pasting client requirements into spreadsheets or project management tools.

Projectal allows you to intelligently import XLS, ODS, CSV, and PDF files, such as client bid documents, to create an initial project plan in minutes.

Machine learning auto detects data of interest within client files and converts document content into project data such as task names, descriptions, milestones and more.

Task templates become your trusted friend

Create your own library of task templates in Projectal. They are the snippets of work required to complete parts of a project.

You can re-use your task templates time and time again in projects. Accessing tasks templates is a click away in Projectal.

Task templates become trusted components when bidding since you know they are accurate in both costs and time.

Use spreadsheet mode for faster data entry


Learn from past projects

The more projects you put into Projectal, the more knowledge is stored about how your business operates. All this knowledge is available when bidding on upcoming projects. This becomes a gold mine of information that you can quickly refer to when bidding.


Hit client deadlines

Many clients will demand a fixed deadline for projects. Projectal always shows you the estimated duration for a project and its tasks in real time. This lets you make sure you are meeting milestones and deadlines when bidding. You can quickly change key factors in your bid to see the effect on milestones and deadlines.

Fixed price bids

Match fixed price bids

Some clients may have a fixed price requirement for a project. Projectal helps you make accurate judgements on whether your business should accept a fixed price. Projectal always shows you the estimated costs for a project and its tasks in real time. You can quickly change key factors in your bid to see the effect on its cost.

Staff and Resource assignment

Understanding the staff and resource needs for a project is key when deciding whether your business takes on a project.

Projectal lets you assign actual staff or generic (placeholder) staff with gang rates or rate cards. Staff usage and availability planning is displayed in real time. Crew sheets can be exported for HR planning purposes.

Tweaking bids with what-if scenarios

Whilst bidding in Projectal, you can quickly change key factors to better match your bid to the client's requirements or to achieve a better outcome for your business.

Factors include changing task templates, task duration, staff and resource allocation, skill levels, staff working hours, complexity and more.

Rebates and Discounts

Rebates and Discounts

If your business is in a region that has rebates or tax incentives, then you may want to use these to make your bids more attractive to clients. You may also want to apply discounts on certain tasks within a project. Projectal allows you to create and apply rebates, tax incentives and discounts to projects and their tasks. You can quickly view detailed information about gross and net costs in real-time.

Export project bids

Export project bids

You may need to send a formal response back to a client after completing your project bid. When you are happy with your bid in Projectal, you can simply export the data as an XLS spreadsheet. This lets you prepare a ‘customer-facing’ response to your client in your preferred document format and software tool.

Next: Learn about Project Planning Continue