The new release prioritizes security and privacy, with a key objective of safeguarding our customers’ data. To achieve this, we have implemented new controls in Projectal specifically designed to protect customer data.
This new version contains major improvements across all aspects of Projectal, significantly reducing the risk of hackers or Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks compromising the system or accessing stored data. We hired external cyber security specialists to conduct extensive penetration tests on Projectal to ensure that we are following the best practices in security and privacy. All identified issues raised by the external cyber security specialists were remedied - resulting in a clean penetration test report.
We have published our Security and Compliance Overview on our Helpdesk. It can be viewed here.
When extending Projectal via the use of custom fields for entities such as staff, projects or tasks, you can now set the display location of the custom field. This lets you set in a location of custom fields to be alongside related fields. For example, if you added a new "Tax Rate" custom field for staff in Projectal, then you may want to locate it next to staff salary fields on the Add Staff and Edit Staff screens. To set the display location for a custom field, edit the custom field using the Management screen in Projectal and set the new "Display After" attribute on the Edit Custom Field screen.
On the Staff screen, the "Active" and "Inactive" checkboxes have been replaced with a more flexible date range so you can now see staff employed during selected date periods. For example, you can see the list of staff at your company today or this year or last year or next year and so on. In addition, a new "Show individual contracts" checkbox on the Staff screen lets you see all the staff contracts for each staff member over the selected date period, or just one entry for each staff member even if they have multiple contracts.
The Projectal RESTful API, Python library and associated developer documentation has been updated with all the latest features. See
Read about all the latest features in our online documentation and Helpdesk. See
Over 50 issues reported by customers and from our testing have been fixed.